"Atlas (Inspired by Perfection)", 2019, "Imposter Syndrome", 2019, and "Legalese", 2018, in "Meadow Grass Outbox", 2019
Varienties of Solid Surface, epoxy resin, acrylic and found paper
9.75 x 12.25 in. (8.5 x 11 in. unframed)
"Mnemonic", 2018, "Off the Grid", 2018, and "In Thirds", 2017, in "Granite Gray Inbox", 2019
Varities of Solid Surface and epoxy resin
3 x 5 x .5 in., 6.75 x 4 x .5 in., 8.5 x 3.75 x 1.5 in. and 9.75 x 12.25 x 1.5 in.
"A More Durable Self" in "Glacier White Inbox", both 2019
Varienties of Solid Surface, epoxy resin, acrylic and found paper
8.5 x 11 x .5 in. and 9.75 x 12.25 in.
"Hampton", 2019, "Prism", 2018, and "Continuing Education", 2018, in "Calgary Outbox", 2019
Varieties of Solid Surface and epoxy resin
4.875 x 3.75 x .5 in., 4.875 x 8.125 x .5 in., 8 x 10 x .5 in. and 9.75 x 12.25 x 1.5 in.
"Untitled-2" in "Gray Granite Inbox" and "Untitled-1" in "Glacier White Inbox", all 2019
Varieties of Solid Surface and epoxy resin
8.5 x 11 x 1 in., 9.75 x 12.25 x 1.5 in., 8.5 x 11 x 1 in., and 9.75 x 12.25 x 1.5 in.